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النشر الإلكتروني

den, a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Recorder, a Grand Marshal, a Grand Standard Bearer, a Grand Sword Bearer; and also all Past General Grand Masters, Grand Generalissimos and Grand Captain Generals; the Grand Master, Generalissimo and Captain General, for the time being, of all subordinate Chartered Encampments of Knights Templars; all Past Grand Masters of subordinate Encampments, whilst they continue members of any Encampment under this jurisdiction; and one Delegate (who shall be a Knight Templar) from each Independent Council of Knights of the Red Cross; and the said enumerated officers (or their respective Proxies) shall be the only members and voters in the said Grand Encampment.

Sec. 2. The Grand Encampment shall meet annually, in the month of May, at such time and place as they shall from time to time appoint, for the choice of Officers, and to transact other necessary business.-And the General Grand Master may at any time call a special Assembly of the Grand Encampment, when in his judgment it may be expedient.

Sec. 3. The jurisdiction of this Grand Encampment shall extend to any State or Territory wherein there is not a Grand Encampment regularly established; and it shall take cognizance of, and preside over, all such Encampments of Knights of Malta, Knights Templars, and Councils of Knights of the Red Cross, as have been heretofore instituted, and that shall acknowledge its jurisdiction. And it shall also have authority to grant Charters of Constitution for the establishment of new Encampments and Councils, in any State or territory as aforesaid.

Sec. 4. No new Encampment or Council shall be deemed Jegal, that may be hereafter formed and opened, without a Charter from the Grand Encampment, or a Constitutional Dispensation from the Grand Master. And communication, either public or private, is hereby interdicted and forbidden, between any Encampment or Council under this jurisdiction,

or any member of either of them, and any such illegal Encampment or Council, or any member of the same.

Sec. 5. No Charter or Dispensation, for the institution of a new Encampment of Knights Templars, with the a ppendant orders, shall be granted for a less sum than one hundred dollars for the use of the Grand Funds, and ten dollars to the Grand Recorder. And no Charter of Dispensation for the institution of an Independent Council of Knights of the Red Cross, shall be granted for a less sum than fifty dollars for the use of the Grand Funds, and ten dollars to the Grand Recorder.

Sec. 6. No Charter of Recognition shall be granted to any Encampment or Council that has been heretofore formed, for a less sum than fifteen dollars to the Grand Fund, and five dollars to the Grand Recorder.

Sec. 7. The General Grand Master, with the advice and consent of the Grand Generalissimo, or the Grand Captain. General, shall have power and authority, whenever he may deem it necessary and expedient, to grant Letters of Dis. pensation for the Institution of New Councils and Encampments, upon the payment of the fces required by the 5th Section, 1st Article of this Constitution; which Dispensations shall continue in force, until revoked by the said General Grand Master, or by the Grand Encampment.

Sec. 8. In the choice of Officers in the Grand and subordinate Encampments, the following mode shall be observed, viz. Each member shall deposit the name of the person he votes for, written upon a slip of paper, in the ballot box; when all have voted, the Grand Wardens and Recorder shall examine the votes, and make report of the same to the Grand Master, who shall then direct the Recorder to proclaim the result in the following manner, viz.


"In the name of this (Grand) Encampment I do hereby, proclaiın our valiant and approved Companion, Sir duly elected to the Office of ..............., for the year ensuing and that he be recognized as such accordingly.

Sec. 9. When either of the Officers or Members of the Grand Encampment cannot personally attend its Assemblies, they shall severally have authority to constitute a Proxy ; and such proxy shall be entitled to debate and vote, for and in behalf of his constituent, in the said Grand Encampment.



Sec. 1. Every Encampment ought to assemble at least quarterly, for business and improvement; and shall consist of a Grand Master, Generalissimo, Captain General, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Recorder, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, and as many members as may be found convenient and proper.

Sec. 2. Every independent Council of Knights of the Red Cross,* should meet, at least quarterly, for business and improvement; and should consist of a Sovereign; a Chancelfor; a Master of the Palace; a Master of Cavalry, who is Senior General; a Master of Infantry, who is Junior General; a Master of Finances; a Master of Dispatches; a Standard Bearer; a Sword Bearer, who is Master of Ceremonies; and as many members as may be found convenient and proper.

Sec. 3. The Officers of every subordinate Encampment and Council, shall be chosen annually, by ballot, at such time and place as they shall respectively direct.

Sec. 4. Every subordinate Encampment and Council, shall annually make a return to the Grand Encampment, of the names of all their members; and also of all candidates accepted and rejected, by them respectively, together with the fees required by the 5th Section, 2d Article of this Constitution.

* An independent council of Knights of the Red Cross, is understood to be, a council that derives its authority immediately from the Grand Encampment, anconnected with an Encampmens of Knights Templars.

Sec. 5. Every person who shall at any time hereafter be admitted to the degree of Knight of the Red Cross, in any Council or Encampment under this jurisdiction, shall pay for the use of the Grand fund, the sum of two dollars and #fty cents, in addition to the ordinary fees. And every per son who shall be admitted and created a Knight Templar in any Encampment under this jurisdiction, shall pay for the use of the Grand fund, the additional sum of two dollars and fifty cents. All which said dues and sums shall be made good and paid to the Grand Recorder, by the said Councils and Encampments, respectively, at the annual Grand As. sembly; and the Grand Recorder shall pay the same over to the Grand Treasurer.

Sec. 6. No person shall be admitted to the degree of Knight of the Red Cross, for a less sum than twelve and an half dollars, exclusive of the Grand Encampment fees required by the foregoing Section. And no person shall be admitted and created a Knight Templar, for a less sum than twelve and an half dollars, in addition to the Red Cross fees, and exclusive of the Grand Encampment fées required as aforesaid; amounting in the whole to the sum of thirty dollars.

Sec. 7. Every member of the Grand Encampment (excepting such as hold their seats solely by virtue of having sustained the Office of General Grand Master, Grand Generalissimo, Grand Captain General, or Grand Master of a subordinate Encampment) who shall neglect to attend the annual Grand Assembly in person, or by proxy, shall forfeit and pay into the Grand fund a fine of three dollars, for every neglect; and such delinquent shall not be entitled to a seat in the Grand Encampment, until the said fine be paid.

I HEREBY Certify, that the foregoing is a true Copy of the Constitution of the United States Grand Encampment. of Knights Templars and the Appendant Orders, as altered,

amended and ratified, at the annual assembly of the said Grand Encampment, begun and holden at Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, on the Thursday succeeding the last Wednesday in May, A.D. 1806.


OTIS AMMIDON (of Providence, R. I.)

Grand Recorder.

At the annual assembly, holden at Boston in the month of May, A. D. 1807, the following knights were elected to the offices annexed to their respective names, viz.

M.W. Sir THOMAS SMITH WEBB, of Providence,

General Grand Master.

"W. Sir HENRY FOWLE, of Boston, Generalis


W. Sir JONATHAN GAGE, of Newburyport,

Captain General.

W. Sir OTIS AMMIDON, of Providence, Grand Recorder.

W. Sir JEREMIAH F. JENKINS, of Providence, Grand Treasurer.



THE Old Encampment, city of New-York.

Jerusalem Encampment,


Montgomery Encampment,


Temple Encampment,


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