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النشر الإلكتروني

doubting your determination to support the reputation and honour of our sublime Order. I now cheerfully deliver unto you the warrant under which you are to work; and I doubt not you will govern with such good order and regularity, as will convince your companions that their partiality has not been improperly placed."

The Grand High Priest then clothes and invests the new High Priest with the various implements and insignia of the Order, with suitable charges to each of them.

The Grand High Priest then installs the several subordinate Officers in turn; and points out to them the duties appertaining to their respective Offices; after which he pronounces a suitable address to the new Chapter, and closes the ceremony with the following benediction :

"The Lord be with you all; let brotherly love continue; be not forgetful to entertain strangers. Now the God of Peace, our supreme High Priest, make you perfect to do his will.

"Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, and good will to men. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, &c."

Sec. 2. At the institution of all Lodges of Mark Master Masons, under this jurisdiction, the same ceremonies as are prescribed, in the foregoing section, are to be observed, as far as they will apply to that degree.

Sec. 3. Whenever it shall be inconvenient for the General Grand Officers, or the Grand or Deputy Grand High Priests, respectively, to attend in person, to constitute a new Chapter or Lodge, and install the Officers, they shall severally have power and authority, to appoint some worthy High Priest, or Past High Priest, to perform the necessary ceremonies.

Sec. 4. The Officers of every Chapter and Lodge under this jurisdiction, before they enter upon the exercise of their respective Offices, and also the members of all such Chapters and Lodges, and every candidate upon his admission into the


same, shall take the following obligation, viz. "I, A B, do promise and swear, that I will support and maintain the General Grand Royal Arch Constitution."

I HEREBY çertify, that the foregoing is a true copy of the General Grand Royal Arch Constitution for the United States of America, as altered, amended and ratified, at a meeting of the General Grand Chapter, begun and holden at Middletown, in the State of Connecticut, on the ninth day of January, A. D. 1806.



Agreeably to the powers vested in the general grand officers by the ninth section of the first article of the foregoing constitution, the general grand high priest and general grand king issued a charter for the establishment of a royal arch chapter in the town of Hanover, in the State of New-Hampshire, by the name of St. Andrew's Chapter, dated the twenty-sixth day of January, A.D.1807. They also issued a charter for the establishment of a royal arch chapter in the town of Hopkinton, in the State of New Hampshire, by the name of Trinity Chapter, dated the sixteenth day of February, A.D. 1807.


Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts. PURSUANT to the general constitution, the grand chapter of this state was organized on the twelfth of June, 1798. Its annual meetings are holden alternately at Boston and Newburyport, in the month of September.

The chapters under its jurisdiction are as follows:

St. Andrew's Chapter, No. 1, Boston, meets at the hall in Market Square, the Wednesday preeeding the full of the moon, monthly.

King Cyrus's Chapter, No. 2, at Newburyport.
St. John's Chapter, No. 3, at Groton.
Mount Vernon Chapter, No. 4, at Portland.
Chapter, No. 5, at Charlton.



Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Rhode-Island. THE grand chapter of this state was organiz ed, agreeably to the constitution, on the Tuesday following the second Monday in March, 1798.

This grand chapter meets quarterly at Mason's Hall, in Providence, on the third Tuesdays of March, June, September, and December.

The grand officers elected in 1808, are as follows:

M.E. Thomas S. Webb, G.H.P.

M.E. James Perry, D.G.H.P.

M.E. John Carlile, G.K.

M.E. John Davis, G.S.

E. Jeremiah F. Jenkins, G.T.

E. Otis Ammidon, G. Secretary. The Providence Royal Arch Chapter meets at Providence, on the Thursday succeding the full moon, monthly.

The Bristol Mark Master's Lodge meets at Bristol.

A Mark Master's Lodge meets at Glocester. A charter has been granted for the institution of a Royal Arch Chapter in the town of Newport, by the name of Newport Chapter, No. 2.



Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Connecticut. AGREEABLY to the general constitution, the grand chapter of this state was organized at Hartford, on the 17th day of May, 1798, when the several grand officers were duly elected and installed into their respective offices.


List of Subordinate Chapters.
Hiram Chapter, Newton,
Solomon Chapter, Derby,
Washington Chapter, Middletown,
Franklin Chapter, New-Haven,
Vanderbrook Chapter, Colchester,
Franklin Chapter, Norwich,
Union Chapter, New-London.


Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New-York. AGREEABLY to the constitution of the general grand chapter, the high priests, kings, and scribes, of the royal arch chapters in the state of New-York, assembled at the city of Albany, on the second Tuesday in March, A.L. 5798, and organized the grand chapter of the said state, which meets annually on the first Tuesday in February at the city of Albany.

The grand officers, elected A.L. 5802, are as follows, viz.

M.E. Ezra Ames, G.H.P.

M.E. Zebulon R. Shepherd, D.G.H.P.

E. Samuel Edmonds, G.K.

E. John, Butler, G.S.

W. John Scoville, G. Secretary.

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