صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Than is the wealth of many fuch
as lewd and wicked are.

17 For finners arms shall broken be;
but God the just sustains.

18 God knows the just man's days, and still

their heritage remains.

19 They shall not be asham'd, when they

the evil time do fee;

And when the days of famine are,
they fatisfy'd shall be.

20 But wicked men, and foes of God,
as fat of lambs decay,
They shall confume; yea, into smoke
they shall confume away.
21 The wicked borrows, but the fame
again he doth not pay;
Whereas the right'ous mercy shows,
and gives his own away.

22 For fuch as bleffed be of him
the earth inherit shall;
And they that cursed are of him
shall be destroyed all.

23 A good man's footsteps by the Lord

are ordered aright:
And in the way wherein he walks,
he greatly doth delight.

24. Although he fall, yet shall he not
be caît down utterly;
Because the Lord with his own hand
upholds him mightily.

25 I have been young, and now am old;
yet have I never feen
The just man left, nor that his feed
for bread have beggars been.
26 He's ever merciful, and lends:
his feed is bleft therefore.

27 Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell for evermore.

28. For God loves judgment, and his faints

leaves not in any cafe ;

They are kept ever: but cut off
shall be the finner's race.

29 The just inherit shall the land,
and ever in it dwell.

30 The just man's mouth doth wisdom fpeak his tongue doth jüdgment tell.. 31 In's heart the law is of his God, his steps flide nct away.

32 The wicked man doth watch the juft,
and feeketh him to flay:

33 Yet him the Lord will not forfake,
nor leave him in his hands:
The right'ous will he not condemn,
when he in judgment stands.
34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way,
and thee exalt shall he

Th' earth to inherit, when cut off
the wicked thou shalt fee..

35 I faw the wicked great in pow'r,
fpread like a green bay-tree,
36 He pass'd, yea, was not: him I fought,

but found he could not be.
37 Mark thou the perfect and behold

the man of uprightness:
Because that furely of this man
the latter end is peace.

38 But those men that tranfgreffors are,
shall be destroy'd together,
The latter end of wicked men
shall be cut off for ever.
39. But the falvation of the just
is from the Lord above;

He, in the time of their distress,

their stay and strength doth prove.

40 The Lord shall help, and them deliver;
he shall them free and fave
From wicked meti, because in him
their confidence they have.

[blocks in formation]

A Pfalm of David, to bring in remembrance.

This Pfaln appears to have been penned by David, under some remarkable diftrefs, attended with a deep fenfe of fin, as the procuring caufe of it. Here are (1) David's forrowful complaints of God's fore difpleafure; and of the weight of his own fins, ver. 1,-5.; of the fickness of his body, and distress of his mind, ver. 6-10.; of the unkindness of his friends, ver. 11. and of the unprovoked injuries, he received from his enemies, who were spiteful, cruel, fubtile, unjust, ungrateful, impious, devilish, numerous, and powerful, ver. 12,-20. (2) His remarkable patience and refignation, under his troubles, ver. 13,-15. (3) His fervent fupplications to God, for the mitigation of his woubles, ver. 1.; and for comfort and support under, and speedy deliverance from them, yer. 16. 21, 22.; attended with candid and ingenious acknowledgments of the finful caufes thereof, ver. 3, 4, 5. 18. In all my troubles, let me fearch out, and by futh confefs and mourn over the finful caufes Let me take every distress out of God's hand, and call on him in the time thereof, that he may deliver me,

of them.

N thy great indignation,


O Lord, rebuke me not,

Nor on me lay thy chast'ning hand,
in thy difpleafure hot.

2 For in me fast thine arrows stick,
thine hand doth prefs me fore.
3 And in my flesh there is no health,
nor foundness any more.

This grief I have, because thy wrath
is forth against me gone;
And in my bones there is no reft,
for fin that I have done,

4 Because gone up above mine head my great tranfgreffions be; And, as a weighty burden, they too heavy are for me.

5 My wounds do ftink, and are corrupt: my folly makes it fo.

6 I troubled am, and much bow'd down;

all day I mourning go.
7 For a disease that loathfome is,
fo fills my loins with pain,
That in my weak and weary flesh
no foundness doth remain.

8 So feeble and infirm am I,
and broken am fo fore;
That, through disquiet of my heart,
I have been made to roar.
9 O Lord, all that I do defire,
is still before thine eye:
And of my heart the fecret groans
not hidden are from thee.

to My heart doth pant incessantly,
my strength doth quite decay:
As for mine eyes, their wonted light
is from me gone away.
I My lovers and my friends do ftand
at distance from my fore:
And those do stand aloof that were
kinfmen and kind before.

12 Yea, they that seek my life, lay fnares:
who feek to do me wrong,
Speak things mischievous, and deceits
imagine all day long.

13 But, as one deaf, that heareth not,
I fuffer'd all to pass:
I as a dumb man did become,

whose mouth not op'ned was.


14 As one that hears not, in whose mouth

are no reproofs at all.

15 For, Lord, I hope in thee; my God,
thon'lt hear me when I call.

16 For I faid, Hear me, left they should
rejoice o'er me with pride:
And o'er me magnify themselves,.
when as my foot doth slide.
17 For I am near to halt, my grief
is still before mine eye.
18 For I'll declare my fin; and grieve

for mine iniquity.

19 But yet mine en'miés lively are,
and strong are they beside.;

And they that hate me wrongfully,
are greatly multiply'd.

20 And they for good that render ill,
as en'mies me withstood:

Yea, ev'n for this, because that I
do follow what is good.

21 Forfake me not, O Lord: my God,
far from me never be.

22 O Lord, thou my falvation art, haste to give help to me.


To the chief Musician, even to Jeduthun, A Pfalm of David.

Here we have (1) Violent ftruggling in the Pfalmist's own breaft between grace and corruption between paffion and patience, ver. 1,-3. 11. (2) Serions views of human frailty, shortness of life, and self-emptineis, ver, 4, 5. (3) Strong cries to God, for pardon of fin, preservation from reproach, and for removal of trouble; for hearing and answering of prayer; and for lengthening out of life, till further preparation for death should be attained, ver. 7,13. While I fing, let my foul blush deep, for the untenderness and want of circumfpe&ion, in my life; and for my want of refignation to God's difpofing will. Let me be fuitably affected with the shortness, vanity, and uncertainty of my temporal life. Let me be alway exercifed in earneft prayer to, and believing dependence on, God, as my companion and friend.


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