SermonsGeorge Wilson, 1818 - 549 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
afflictions Almighty Apostle appear behold bestowed blessings character Christ Jesus Christian church circumstances conscience consider corrupt course covenant cross crucified crucifixion danger death dejection divine grace doctrine duties effect endeavour eternal everlasting evil habits faith Father fear feel flesh forgiveness gift glory God's godliness Gospel gracious hath heart heaven heavenly Holy Ghost Holy Scriptures Holy Spirit hope humble humility infirmities iniquity irreligion Israel Jesus Christ Jews live Lord Lord's lust means meek ment mercy Messiah mind Moab moral Naomi nature neral ness obedience Orpah ourselves pardon passion penitent persons piety pious pleasure pray prayer profession promises racter redemption religion religious repentance righteousness Ruth salvation sanctifying Satan Saviour servants sinner sins sion Son of God sorrow soul Spirit of grace sufferings supplications temper temptation thee things thou tion true Christian truth unto virtue whilst whole wisdom word worldly