6,4 inch sins glut, piesne world's is shut. 18 aures: note the hush ali sarey may: Teese heart ester part square, Consion. VAUGHAN. And let those eyes, with shepherd's care, MORNING. WHEN first thine eyes unveil, give thy soul leave Yet never sleep the sun up; prayer should Dawn with the day: there are set awful hours 'Twixt heaven and us: the manna was not good After sun-rising: far day sullies flowers: Rise to prevent the sun; sleep doth sins glut, And heaven's gate opens when the world's is shut. Walk with thy fellow-creatures: note the hush And whisperings amongst them. Not a spring Or leaf but hath his morning hymn; each bush And oak doth know I AM.-Canst thou not sing? Or leave thy cares and follies? go this way, And thou art sure to prosper all the day. Serve God before the world; let Him not go Until thou hast a blessing; then resign The whole unto Him, and remember who Prevail'd by wrestling ere the sun did shine: Pour oil upon the stones, weep for thy sin, Then journey on, and have an eye to heaven. Mornings are mysteries: the first, world's youth, Man's resurrection, and the future's bud, Shroud in their births; the crown of life, light, truth, Is styled their star; the stone and hidden food: Three blessings wait upon them, one of which Should move, they make us holy, happy, rich. When the world's up, and every swarm abroad, Keep well thy temper, mix not with each day: Dispatch necessities, life hath a load Which must be carried on, and safely may; Yet keep those cares without thee; let the heart Be God's alone, and choose the better part. Roche, Printer, 25, Hoxton-square, London. VAUGHAN. |