THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER Quarterly Review. VOL. LIV. JULY-OCTOBER. LONDON: JOHN AND CHARLES MOZLE Y, 6, PATERNOSTER ROW; NEW YORK: WILLMER & ROGERS. 1867. CONTENTS OF NO. CXXXVII. I.-1. Annales de Margan (Annales Monastici, Vol. I.) Ed. II.-1. On the Folk Lore of the Northern Counties of England, and the Borders. By William Henderson; with an Appendix on Household Stories. By Sabine Baring 2. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. By Sabine Baring 3. Lancashire Folk Lore. Compiled and Edited by John Harland, F.S.A.; and T. T. Wilkinson, F. R. A. S. 4. Popular Romances of the West of England, or the Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of Old Cornwall. Collected and Edited by Robert Hunt. IV.-1. The Fathers of Greek Philosophy. By R. D. Hamp- 2. Ancient Philosophy: A Treatise of Moral and Meta- |