The Wisdom of ShakespeareCitadel Press, 2002 - 228 من الصفحات Ben Jonson said Shakespeare was not 'of an age but for all time.' Harold Bloom argues that Shakespeare 'invented the human.' In his works, Shakespeare delves into the human experience as no other author before or since. His understanding and knowledge of men, women, nature, politics, education, life, death, family life and grief are as pertinent today as those of any contemporary artist. In this valuable addition to the Wisdom series, selected quotations from the man at the centre of Western literature are available for easy reference and enjoyment. |
Advice | 1 |
Age | 5 |
Beasts and Birds | 9 |
Beauty | 16 |
Behaviour | 18 |
Conscience | 23 |
The Crown | 24 |
Dreams | 27 |
Mortality | 113 |
Music | 125 |
Name | 129 |
Nature | 131 |
Philosophy | 143 |
Professions | 152 |
Reason | 157 |
Seasons | 159 |
Education | 29 |
Evil | 31 |
Fathers Mothers and Siblings | 38 |
Fortune and Fate | 43 |
Friendship | 46 |
Government | 51 |
Grief | 54 |
Honour | 58 |
Hospitality | 62 |
Illness | 64 |
Justice and Law | 67 |
Love | 72 |
Love of Country | 82 |
Love Speaking | 84 |
Manhood | 94 |
Marriage | 106 |
Selfhood | 165 |
SelfSlaughter | 171 |
Sleep | 174 |
Speech and Language | 176 |
Suspicion | 181 |
Theatre | 183 |
Time | 187 |
Virtue | 192 |
Vows | 193 |
War | 195 |
Wealth | 200 |
Wise Words | 204 |
Wits and Fools | 208 |
Womanhood | 212 |
221 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Ado I.i Antony-A&C bear beast Beatrice-Much Ado beauty Benedick-Much Ado Berowne-LLL blood Bolingbroke-Richard breath Brutus-JC chimes at midnight Cleopatra-A&C crown cuckoo death devil doth dream Duke-MforM ears earth Edgar-Lear Enobarbus-A&C eyes fair Falstaff-1 Henry IV Falstaff-2 Henry father faults fear Feste-TN fire fool Fool-Lear Fortune friends give grief Hamlet-Hamlet II.ii hath heart heaven heigh-ho Henry IV I.ii Henry VI III.ii Henry VI V.i honour I.iii I.iv Iago-Othello Iago-Othello III.iii II.i II.iv III.i IV.ii IV.iv IV.v Juliet-RJ King Henry King Henry-Henry King Richard-Richard Lear-Lear lion live look lord Love's lovers Macbeth-Macbeth maid man's marriage merry nature ne'er never night noble Noble Kinsmen o'er Pericles-Pericles poor Portia-MV Proteus-TGV Romeo-RJ sigh sing sleep sorrow soul speak sweet thee there's thing thou art thou hast Timon-Timon tongue Troilus-TC true V.ii V.iv Valentine-TGV VIII virtue wise Wives woman words youth Zounds