The Christian Disciple, المجلد 2Cummings and Hillard, 1821 |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
admitted apostles appear argument attention authority baptism believe Bible bishop blessed called Calvinistic catechisms character Christ CHRISTIAN DISCIPLE church church of England common congregation Congregational Churches conscience considered divine doctrine duty effect episcopal evidence evil expressions faith Father favour feelings friends give God's gospel happiness hath heart heaven Holy Holy Spirit honour human important influence inquiry intemperance Jared Sparks Jesus Jews Judaism labour language laws learned letter Lord mankind manner means ment mind minister moral Natural Theology nature never Nicodemus object observed opinions original sin passage persons Pharisee piety prayer preaching present principles proof racter reason reformation regard religion religious remarks rendered respect Saviour scriptures sense sentiments Series-vol sermons shew society Socinians speak spirit Testament thing thou thought tion Tracts Tranquebar trinitarian true truth Unitarians unto views virtue whole words worship writings