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النشر الإلكتروني


AUGUST, 1868.



BY HIS ELDEST SON, THE REV. WILLIAM BROWN KEER. MR. WILLIAM KEER was the eldest child of William and Maria Keer, of Framlingham, Suffolk, where several branches of the family, who are known to have descended from the Kerrs of Scotland, had long resided. His grandfather was one of the earliest Wesleyan Methodists in that part of Suffolk, then comprehended in the Great Yarmouth Circuit; and his parents, from an early period of their life until its close, were warmly attached and consistent members of the Methodist Society, "walking," like Zacharias and Elisabeth, "in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." It is not a slight privilege to be descended from truly pious ancestors. Devout parents, in particular, generally bequeath to their children, in their instructions, their example, and their prayers, that which is far more precious than gold and diadems. William was born on September 11th, 1797, and was early dedicated to the Lord in the Sacrament of Baptism. Throughout his childhood his parents sought to instil into his mind the truths which accompany salvation. Their circumstances, though once comparatively affluent, became straitened by heavy losses; and this, together with other changes, rendered necessary the early removal of their eldest son from the parental roof. He left home when about thirteen or fourteen years of age; not, however, before he had heard from the Methodist preachers, as well as from his parents, those truths, and received that bias, for which he had cause ever afterwards to thank God. In his new sphere he attended the ministry of the late Rev. William Hurn, M.A., at that time the zealous and faithful, but persecuted, vicar of Debenham; of whose memory he was always accustomed to speak in words of strong and reverent endearment, and of whom he has been beard to say, "I received great good under the ministry of that blessed man." Afterwards he attended, with the family in whose house he lived, the ministry of the late Rev. Mr. Dennett, for many years the esteemed Independent minister of Halesworth, whose affectionate and faithful expositions of Divine truth he valued as no ordinary blessing.


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It is not easy, in the absence of written records, to ascertain the exact time when they who have been from earliest childhood the subjects of the drawings of the Father, come to that decided personal closure with Christ upon which their enjoyment of His salvation depends. That this took place, in the case of Mr. Keer, in very early life, there can be little doubt; as he has been heard to speak of the petty persecution and cynical ridicule to which, when a youth, he was exposed, in his intercourse with the ignorant or profane among whom he was sometimes employed; although his naturally quiet and forbearing demeanour was calculated to disarm rather than provoke opposition. But the information for which we might otherwise have sought in vain has been furnished in a letter from my father's only sister, Mrs. Baxter, of Ipswich. She records the often repeated testimony of his mother, that when quite a child he was deeply convinced of his lost and sinful state; that he wept bitterly on account of his sins; and that he never rested until he found peace through the atoning death of the Lord Jesus. His open profession of religion also commenced at a very early period. Very shortly after leaving his paternal home, if not before, he appears to have become a member of the Methodist Society either at Framlingham or Peasenhall, as he often spoke of attending the prayer and classmeetings at the latter place with Mr. Joseph Tripp, then a wellknown and zealous class-leader and Local preacher.

When about twenty-four years of age, Mr. Keer removed to the neighbourhood of North Cove, in the Lowestoft Circuit, where he at once joined himself to the Wesleyan-Methodist Society. Here Mr. Charles Huke was for many years his class-leader; and afterwards, about the year 1837, or the early part of 1838, Mr. Keer, though with much reluctance and diffidence, succeeded him in that office, which he continued to hold until he was disabled by the sickness which preceded his death.

In the year 1826 he took a small farm at Mutford, and was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Brown, of that place. Here he resided for the remaining thirty-nine years of his life, only once changing his house-for that in which he died. His wife, who was also an exemplary member of the Methodist Society, was taken away by death in the early part of the year 1829, leaving him with two sons, for whom he faithfully watched and prayed, striving to bring them up "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." They both survive him : the elder having been for upwards of ten years a minister in the Established Church, and the younger having been for fifteen years past the subject of a melancholy misfortune, which has incapacitated him for society. This affliction of his son was a severe and painful trial to the father, but he bore it with Christian meekness, resignation, and patience.

In October, 1838, Mr. Keer removed to a larger farm, and was

married to Miss Ann Clarke, of Barnby, who had been for some time previously a member of the Wesleyan-Methodist Society at North Cove, and who still survives him. Here he pursued the even tenor of his way; and for several years few incidents occurred likely to interest others. He devoted himself assiduously to the duties of the farm; and on the Lord's day he generally attended his ordinary place of worship twice at least, besides meeting his class, which for many years he seldom omitted, and in which he realized much spiritual profit and delight, being greatly esteemed by the members. It was his habit, also, to be present at the week-evening services, unless prevented by pressing business engagements, and he was accustomed to speak of the pleasure he felt in them. He proved the truth of the promise, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." He also delighted much in reading the Wesleyan-Methodist publications, especially the early Magazines, the "Lives of Early Methodist Preachers," and the works of some of the chief English divines, as well as those of the Wesleys, and of Fletcher of Madeley, whom he greatly admired. His views of all the great Christian doctrines, and of their relation to Christian experience, were clear and decided. The study of these things in the light of Holy Scripture, and the habit of carefully examining his own heart and life were, doubtless, of much service to him in his office of class-leader.

The latter years of his life, more especially since 1851, were years of painful domestic trial and personal suffering. The affliction of his youngest son, and the heavy expense which it entailed, now became to him a source of much anxiety and embarrassment; for the slender resources of his business, and the growing infirmities of age and sickness, rendered it impossible that he could long sustain so great a burden. His trials, however, so far from inducing distraction of mind and neglect of religious duties, only served to lead him nearer to his God and Saviour for support. He retired to his closet, that in secret prayer he might "cast his burden on the Lord," who had promised to "sustain" him. Thus he endeavoured to comply with the Divine precept, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God;" and he realized the fulfilment of the promise, "The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus."

His house was for many years the home of the Methodist preachers when they visited the neighbourhood in which he lived; and in their society he felt the greatest delight. He had a warm attachment to the simple, saving Gospel-truths, which it is the object of Methodism universally to make known; and he prayed and laboured for the

prosperity of this form of "Christianity in earnest."

But though strongly and intelligently attached to Methodism, he loved real religion wherever he found it, and delighted in its extension. He lived in the spirit of the words, "Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity."

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As the master of a household, from the commencement of his domestic life, until the very last morning on which he could mingle with his family,-a period of nearly forty years,-he strictly and conscientiously adhered to the practice of family worship, which he considered no less a privilege than a duty. His custom, for many years, was to read through the whole of the Sacred Scriptures consecutively, in morning and evening portions, with prayer; and but rarely were the most pressing affairs of business permitted to interfere with these devout exercises, so fruitful in instruction and blessing. Sometimes he would refer to the Divine testimony concerning Abraham, "I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment." (Gen. xviii. 19.) And not a few, it is hoped, who have joined in these acts of worship, concern for their souls, and have now to bless God for such oppor

tunities of Christian instruction.

have been led to serious

To indicate the chief points of Mr. Keer's character, rather than to describe it fully, has been the writer's aim. Faults and in firmities he undoubtedly had, and he felt and lamented them; but of few can the words of the poet be more truthfully said, that

"Even his failings lean'd to virtue's side."

As a husband and father, he was affectionate and indulgent; as a master, considerate, just, and liberal; as a neighbour kind and obliging; while as a man of business he was characterized by uprightness and sincerity. His Christian principles appeared in every relation, and he sought to recommend religion by his actions as well as by his words.

For the last two or three years of his life it was evident that his general debility was increasing, and that his end was not far off. Several months before his death he was the subject of much suffering; but he bore it with patience and resignation. He was permitted to contemplate, and to speak of, the approach of death with cheerfulness and hope, describing himself as resting on the "Rock of Ages;" and though not experiencing ecstatic joy, yet possessing perfect peace in Christ. To his eldest son, who was with him on the Sabbath before that on which he died, he said, "O William! I feel that I shall soon be with Christ, which is 'far better.' He is my only hope. I

* Dr. Chalmers' definition of Methodism.

have had sweet thoughts of heaven, and I hope soon to be there." He spoke of temptations and assaults of the devil; and then added, "I resist him, and he flees from me. My Saviour's merits are

infinite; and

'Myself with all my sins I cast

On the atoning blood.'"

He continued nearly a week after this. On the Lord's day afternoon, June 11th, 1865, at the hour when he had been accustomed to meet his class, and thus to enjoy fellowship with the Church on earth, he remarked to a friend, "It is almost over," and then calmly departed to join the fellowship of the Church triumphant, and to complete the Sabbath in the more glorious rest of heaven.

Who, in contemplating his eminently peaceful departure, does not exclaim,

"O, may I triumph so,

When all my warfare 's past;
And, dying, find my latest foe
Under my feet at last!"




We have watched the progress of the painter in his work. Beginning with a few lines which define nothing to any eye but his own, he proceeds until indications of design appear and multiply, and the entire subject is at length outlined; then follows the careful and skilful expression of face and figure; and now a few last delicate touches complete the work, and it stands forth "a thing of beauty" in itself, and "a joy" at once to the artist and to every beholder. Is it not so, at least in many instances, with the work of the great Divine Artist upon the human heart and life? He seeks to depict "a thing of beauty" which He shall be able to pronounce "very good," and which shall be a glory and a joy to all generations. With the pencil of His truth and love and grace, He imprints "line upon line, line upon

upon line." For a time, to our eyes nothing may appear defined. But evidences of design multiply, and as the soul, receiving His gracious impressions, is led to the Lord Jesus in humble faith, the Christian character is formed. Then follows a wonderful variety of processes, processes all in the hand of the skilful and mysterious Worker,—and which give a lovelier symmetry and an attractive completeness to the design, until at length His own heart is satisfied and it is removed from the scene of His loving labour and skill to the place of His rest, where He shall "joy over it with singing."

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