صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

have others to take care of, and to answer for, as well as yourself. Neglect no opportunity of forwarding them in the way of life: but set them onward in their course, and go along with them yourself, their companion, friend, and guide. Bring them to an acquaintance and fellowship with Christ; teach them to converse daily with God. Give them every help to the faithful discharge of their duty, for their sake, and for your own. Make every morning and evening a season of mutual advancement in the road to glory; comfort and encourage one another by the way. It is by the sanctification of your own family, amongst others, that you will con

tribute to a great national improvement in piety and virtue; and not only ensure the blessing of God upon your own household, but diffuse a healing influence beyond the immediate sphere of your example. And surely it will be a source of unspeakable comfort to you, when the Lord shall call you to give an account of your stewardship, if your conscience shall tell you, that you have acted the part of that faithful and wise servant whom his Lord made ruler of his household, to give them meat in due season; and you can say to Him with truth, Lord, of those whom thou gavest me, by my own carelessness have I lost none."" P. 22.


Society for Promoting Christian

The following Circular has been recently sent to the Incumbents, or Officiating Ministers, in and round the Metropolis. We insert it, in hopes that the plan therein recommended may be found applicable to other large towns.

Reverend Sir,

begs leave respectfully to request those of

its Members, who are Incumbents or Officiating Ministers of parishes in London and its vicinity, to take into their consideration the expediency of forming similar Committees (either for parishes or districts) where the circumstances of their neighbourhood may be judged favourable to such an undertaking.

Parish (or District) of

It is proposed to form an Association, for the purpose of supplying the poorer Inhabitants of this District with Bibles, Common Prayer-Books, and Religious Tracts, either gratuitously, or at very low Prices; and also for the purpose of aiding the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, in the prosecution of its pious designs: this Associaation to be called, The District Committee, in aid of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, being convinced that the establishment of District Committees, in the Metropolis and its Neighbourhood, would place within the hands of the Parochial Clergy a most important instrument of doing good, and, at the same time, enlarge the sphere of the Society's operations; has much pleasure in stating, that the experiment, having been tried in three instances, has been attended with the most encouraging success. In the year 1814, the Rev. Basil Woodd formed a District Committee in the neighbourhood of Bentinck Chapel, which still continues its operations. In the year 1816, a similar Committee was formed at Stepney, which has, ever since its establishment, been actively engaged in the distribution of Bibles, Testaments, Common Prayer-Books, and Religious Tracts, among the poorer inhabitants of the several populous parishes in the Eastern division of the Metropolis. A District Committee has very recently been established in the Ward of Bishopsgate (comprehending four parishes) the donations to which already amount to more than One Hundred Pounds, and the Annual Subscriptions to early the same sum. These instances are mentioned, in order to show the practicability of the measure. Under a Those persons who are friendly to the deconviction of its importance, the Society sign, are requested to meet at the Rectory

It is proposed, that one-third of the Contributions be remitted to the Society, in aid of its general designs. The Committee will then be entitled to receive from the Society, Books, to the value of the remaining twothirds, at the reduced prices marked in the Society's Catalogue; which prices are about two-thirds of the Booksellers' charges to the Public:-for instance, if 607. be subscribed, 201. will be remitted to the Society; and with the remaining 401. as many Bibles, Prayer-Books, &c. may be purchased at the Society's prices, as would cost, at the Booksellers', 60. So that, in fact, the Committee will contribute 201. to the Society's important designs, and obtain 60l. worth of books for distribution.

It is proposed, that Subscribers shall be entitled to recommend poor persons, either to receive gratuitously, or to purchase at low prices, Books on the Society's Lists.

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1. The distribution of the Scriptures, the Liturgy and Homilies of the Church of Eng land, with other Religious Books.

2. The Religious Education of poor Children. As long ago as the year 1741, the Society had contributed to establish 2000 Charity Schools. The Anniversary Meeting of the Charity Schools in the Metropolis is still holden before this Society in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.

3. The establishment and support of Christian Missions in the Scilly Isles and Asia; the Missions in North America being supported by the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts;" and those in the West India Islands, by the "Society for the Conversion and Religious Instruction and Education of the Negro Slaves."

The number of Books distributed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, between April 1810, when the Diocesan and District Committees were first established, and April 1823, are as follows:

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creasing importance; and in consequence they have been led to believe that they are now in a fair way of realizing the most sanguine expectations which have been formed of this Society. From very small beginnings they have at length succeeded in acquiring a pretty extensive sale for their books; and as the very low prices at which they are enabled to offer them, particularly Bibles and Testaments, defy competition from any other source, they are looking forward with confidence to a period, not very far distant, when the supplying of the wants, not only of this large city, but of a very large portion of the province, will devolve almost entirely on them. To prepare themselves for such an event, they are about to transmit to the Society in London, an order for books, more extensive than any which they have hitherto deemed it safe to send; a measure which is fully justified by the great and increased demand, which has this year been made upon their Depository. In the preceding year the amount of books issued was only 651. while this year it has actually exceeded 100l. The number of books issued has increased in proportion, being 98 Bibles, 143 Testaments, 226 Common

Prayer Books, and 1058 bound Books and Tracts, in all 1525:-of which number 543 have benn sent in gratuitous donations to Shediac, and the Gulf Shore, the military settlements in the parish of Woodstock, Loch Lomond, &c.

The funds of the Committee continue in the same prosperous state that they were in last year, as will be seen by the following abstract from the treasurer's accounts: s. d.

Balance in hand

Annual Report of the St. John Dis- Subscription of lo

trict Committee. 1823.

THE St. John District Committee, of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, have deemed it advisable, with the view to giving a greater degree of publicity to their proceedings, to communicate to their members, and the public in general, some account of their operations during the past year, through the medium of the public press. They have seen with pleasure, that for these two or three last years, their proceedings have been progressively assuming an appearance of in

Exclusive of the Society's Family Bible, of which about 25,300 copies have been sold. + Exclusive of the Society's Tracts against Blasphemy and Infidelity, of which 1,000,000 were circulated, and likewise of Tracts printed in the French, Gaelic, and Eastern Languages.

£. . 100

3 10

. 15 15 1 15



cal members Donations.... Collection in Trinity Church .... 20 Amount of sales


6 10

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37 16 10 87 1 5

£225 2 1

12 10 0

..... 10 7 6

08 2

-121 2 4

Balance in his hands £103 19 91

Quebec Diocesan Committee.

"The Quebec Diocesan Committee of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge beg to lay before their Members and the Public, the Fifth Annual Report of their proceedings; and they have sincere satisfaction in being able to state, that their exertions have at least kept pace with those of preceding years.

"The books, alluded to in the last Rcport, arrived in the month of October last, to the amount, including the expences of freight and insurance, of 323l. 17s. 1ld. sterling. Notwithstanding this large order, by far the most extensive which has yet been remitted by the Diocesan Committee, the demand has been proportioned to the supply, and the stock at the Depot is now so much reduced, that they have recently been obliged to send home a fresh order. Books to the amount of 60l. 13s. 9d. have been transmitted to the Montreal District Committee; and supplies have been forwarded to the Missionaries at Rivière du Loup, Drummondville, Ascott, Eaton, St. Amand, and Hatley, in the Lower Province; and in the Upper, at Cavan, Adolphus Town, and Fort Welling. ton. The Clergy of the Established Church at Quebec have circulated books and tracts in the town and neighbourhood, as occasion required; and a zealous friend of the Society, K. C. Chandler, Esq. of Nicolet, has received a small supply for distribution in his Seigniory, where he is actively engaged in forming a Protestant Congregation, and collecting subscriptions for building a Church, to be erected in the ensuing summer. The Central School has continued to be supplied as before; and a small supply has been forwarded to the Rev. J. C. Driscoll, for the use of a school established under his auspices, on the borders of Lake Maskinongé. schools of Royal foundation at Frampton, Port Neuf, and Coteau du Lac, have also been furnished with books, for the use of the Protestant children, either gratuitous, ly, or at the reduced rates; and it is a source of deep regret to the Committee, that the state of their funds will not admit of their forwarding gratuitous supplies of books to the whole of the Protestant schools under the Royal institution, especially those in the Eastern townships, where the want of them is particularly argent, for reasons stated in their last Report.


"The Committee now proceed to notice that branch of their labours, which regards the Education of the poor. The Central Schools in this City, under the maREMEMBRANCER, No. 64.

nagement of Mr. Little and Mrs. Ellis, are undoubtedly in a more favourable state, than they were at the period of the last Report. The system is still, however, far from having attained that perfection, which is essential to its complete success; and changes are contemplated by the Commit tee, which, they trust, will lead to the most satisfactory results.

"The usual Annual Examination of the children of both schools took place in the month of February last, before a highly respectable Meeting of the Members and Friends of the Committee. The same routine was observed as on former occasions, and there was a manifest improvement in the discipline and progress of the children. The total number present amounted to 148 boys and 109 girls-257, being an increase of no less than 110 children since the last Report. The whole number now on the list is boys, 190, girls, 112-302; but all of these are by no means in regular attendance. This great increase of numbers is a most gratifying circumstance, and affords, perhaps, the surest criterion of the growing popularity and ability of the Schools. The sum of 31. 11s. 3d, has been expended, since the last Report, in clothing for the most indi. gent children; but the source is now exhausted, from which these funds have hitherto been derived, and new means must be devised another winter to supply the deficiency.

"The Ladies have continued their valuable superintendence, as Visitors of the Girls' School, with unabated zeal, and they report very favourably of the work done by the children, and the uniform attention of the Mistress to their proficiency in needle-work,

"One circumstance, connected with the subject of Education, remains to be noticed, and the Committee have the most lively and heart-felt satisfaction in announcing it to all, who feel interested in the diffusion of religious instruction. They advert to the steps which have recently been taken, under the superintendence of the Archdeacon of Quebec, towards the formation of a Sunday School for boys and girls, belonging to the Establishment.

"This was always indeed within the views of the Committee, but the plan, which has hitherto been adopted, has failed of adequate success. Various meetings have been held for the accomplishment of so desirable an object; and several reports of Sub-Committees will be submitted to you, at the conclusion of this Report, which it is proposed to subjoin to it, in the shape of an Appendix, when it is sent Kk

to the press. The Diocesan Committee cannot but rejoice at the wide field of useful labour, which is thus about to be opened, and confidently anticipate a great and never-failing harvest of every thing that is "lovely and of good report." It is indeed of incalculable importance to the young, that they should not only be early confirmed in the invaluable principles of the Christian faith, but that they should, at the same time, be secured against that indiscriminating laxity of opinion, which regards all modes of worship as alikethat specious liberality, which throws a broad and dazzling glare over those distinctive features, that constitute the peculiar beanty and excellence of the Church.

"It may be recollected, that, when the last Report was submitted to the General Meeting, His Excellency the Earl of Dalhousie kindly took the opportunity of making an offer to the Committee of a lot of ground, which was thought more eligible than the one originally intended, for the erection of the proposed School-house. This offer was thankfully embraced by the Committee, and measures were immediately adopted for the commencement of the undertaking. The business was intrusted to a respectable Magistrate, Mr. Tremain, well versed in transactions of this kind, and that Gentleman concluded a Contract for the erection of a stone-building, to be completed by the 1st instant; comprising two School Rooms for boys and girls, 46 by 34 feet each, and 10 feet in height, four rooms for a Master and Mistress, and suitable Attics, for the sum of 515l. currency. Various difficulties, however, have occurred in the execution of the work, which has now been some months at a stand, and the builder has finally failed in his Contract. The Committee are now in treaty with the securities, towards whom, though at this moment liable in a penalty of 500l., they wish to shew every indulgence, and to whom they propose to allow a reasonable time for the proper completion of the 'building. The Members will have as much satisfaction in hearing, as the Committee have in being able to state, that there will be no deficiency of funds for all the extra work which may be required, to give a handsome finish to the edifice.

"Before concluding this Report, the Committee cannot omit to notice, and they trust it will not be thought irrelevant or unseasonable, the recent establishment of an association, for the amelioration of the conduct and condition of the Prisoners in the Jail of this City. One of the principal objects, to which the Members are

pledged to direct their attention, is the situation of children, whose parents may be confined in the Jail; and their Tenth Regulation requires them to take steps for ensuring their attendance at the NaA tional or some other Free School,' sufficient supply of Bibles, Testaments and Prayer-Books, and other religious and useful Books and Tracts, for the benefit of the Protestant Prisoners, will be furnished gratuitously by the Diocesan Com. mittee."

Bray's Associates.

From the Report of this Society,' just published, we learn that the following Parochial Libraries have been established in the last year :

"A Parochial Library was established, during the past year, in the parish of King's Bromley, in the county of Stafford, and diocese of Lichfield and Coventry. The Rev. Thomas Moore, curate of the parish, gratefully acknowledging the receipt of the books, in a letter dated May 15, 1823, writes:

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I will thank you to offer my best thanks to the Associates of the late Dr. Bray for their kind present of many and excellent books, to form a Parochial Library at King's Bromley.

"My heart's desire and prayer are, that I may be inclined and enabled to mark, learn, and inwardly digest their valuable contents.' A catalogue of the books forming the above Library, has since been transmitted.

"In consequence of application from several of the Clergy residing in and near Cardigan, a considerable addition was made, during the past year, to the Lending Library formed at Cardigan, in the diocese of St. David's, in the year 1765. The petition from the Clergy states:

"We have always regarded with admiration the excellent Association of the late Rev. Dr. Bray; and we acknowledge with gratitude that this neighbourhood has been permitted, in a considerable degree, to partake of the blessings which the benevolence of the Association has so widely diffused. Aware that the streams of knowledge are ever flowing from the same source, we presume to inform you that the books which at present constitute the 'Lending Library of Cardigan' are far from being considered sufficient, in this neighbourhood, to answer the demands for clerical instruction and improvement. We beg leave, also, to inform yon, that there is established at Cardigan a Literary

Seminary, licensed by the Bishop of St. David's, to educate for the ministry of the Church of England young men whose circumstances preclude them from the advantages of an university education. Unfortunately, the young men, so educating, are unfurnished with a competent provision of books; consequently, they labour under obvious disadvantages in the pursuit of their studies. Under these circumstances, we earnestly petition the Associates of the late Rev. Dr. Bray for a donation of books, to form, together with the books already at Cardigan, a Lending Library for the use of the Clergy of Cardigan and its vicinity, and of the young men educating for Holy Orders at Cardigan.’

"The receipt of the books sent for the above purpose has been since gratefully acknowledged by the Rev. W. W. Thomas, and a catalogue transmitted.

"A Parochial Library has been also formed at Ashurst, in the county of Kent, and diocese of Rochester, and the receipt of the books very gratefully acknowledged by the Rev. Joln Benn, the curate.

"A. Lending Library has also been formed at Old Malton, in the county and diocese of York, for the use of the Clergy resident in the deaneries of Buckrose, Bulmer, Dickering, and Ridale, all in the said diocese.

"The Rev. H. J. Todd, in a letter, dated Settrington, November 3, 1823, writes :

“ ، I do myself the great pleasure of requesting you to present to the Associates of the late Dr. Bray, at their meeting, the most grateful thanks of very many Clergy men in this neighbourhood, and also remote from it, who will be benefitted by the Library which, by the great kindness of the Associates, is fixed to be at Old Malton. The school-house there is the place

in which a room has been kindly allowed for the books by the master of the school, the Rev. John Richardson, who has also undertaken to be the librarian. This the Archbishop of York has been pleased to approve, to whom it was thought right and dutiful to communicate the intention.' A printed catalogue of such works as formed this Lending Library has also been forwarded to the Secretary by the Rev. H. J. Todd; to which is affixed the following expression of the grateful feelings of the Clergy in the neighbourhood of Old Malton.

، ، In the name of the numerous Clergy, whose studies may be assisted by the present benefaction of Dr. Bray's Associates, the most grateful thanks, together with their fervent prayers for the success of the Association, are here offered to benefactors at once so serviceable to the general advancement of Christian knowledge, and so kindly attentive to the particular interests of those whom they have thus signally obliged.'

“ A Lending Library has been formed at Llangefni, in the island of Anglesea, and diocese of Bangor.

"A Parochial Library has been formed at Cradley, Hales Owen, in the county of Warwick, and Diocese of Worcester. The receipt of the books has been very thankfully acknowledged by the present incumbent, and a catalogue returned.

"A Parochial Library has, alco, been formed at St. John's, Bury, in the county of Lancaster, and diocese of Chester. The receipt of the books has been since gratefully acknowledged by the Rev. Thomas Selkirk, the incumbent of St. John's. 'I am highly delighted,' he adds, with this Library, and will conscientiously observe the Rules for its due preservation,'"

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Dean of Chichester, and formerly fel-
low of King's college, Cambridge, to
Brooke, J. M.A. chaplain to his Royal
Highness the Duke of York, to the
rectory of Kilmatron; Patron, the

Butt, E. to the rectory of Toller Fra-
trum; Patron, J. BROWNE, Esq.
Cox, J. M.A. Demy of Magdalen college,
Oxford, to be Master of the Grammar
School at Gainsborough.

Deane, G. B.A. of St. Mary Hall, to be one of the domestic chaplains to his Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos.

Dodson, N. M.A. to the prebend or canonry of South Scarle, in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln.

Escott, T. prebendary of Wells, Somerset, to the rectory of Coombe Florey; Patron, the KING.

Fraser, P. M.A. senior fellow of Christ's college, Cambridge, and chaplain to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cam

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